Category Archives: Resources

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New Puppy Owner -Puppy Training

Has It been awhile since your last puppy? Maybe 5 years, wait, it’s been 12 years since your last puppy, time flys … Are you up for a puppy?
I’m working with and talking with many new puppy owners… as we […]

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Are you using the best dog Treats?

Are you giving your dogs quality treats? Before you answer, please look at this company’s standards…

                 Fig & Tyler
I rarely promote products… When I do it’s  because I have used them with my […]

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How to Train Your Dog in 2021

 Greet 2021 by Re-Committing to Your Dog
 Every January brings us new opportunities to look  forward to a  new year that is brighter and happier than the  last. Without  dwelling on why I’m saying this right  now, at the end of […]

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Dog Training Season

We are in the best time of year to start your puppy and or dog training. The weather is cooling down and our dogs are motivated to interact, especially in the mornings . When its hot, our dogs slow down; […]

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Dog Training For The Holidays and Safety Reminders

Holiday Training and Safety Reminders
Greeting Holiday Visitors
Ding dong! Hi, folks, Happy Holi—barkbarkbarkbarkbarkbark!!
We all know that front door scene. Whether it’s the UPS guy, a neighbor dropping by, or a bevy of expected guests, many dogs go nuts when they hear […]

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Service Dog Training

I’m often asked about service dog training.
Over the years I have watched as more and more dog owners try to manipulate our “service dog” regulations. What do I mean by this statement you may ask?  Well every month I receive a […]

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Helping our Aging Dogs

Stroking that grey, grizzled head of your devoted canine pal reminds us of how much our dogs have given us over the years in loyalty, companionship, and service to our needs. It’s now become the norm that dogs are trained […]

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You & Your Dog Starting 2018 on the Right Paw

Tips for Starting 2018 on the Right Paw
 Hooray for the holidays! A time for relaxing and making merry with family and friends. If you’re planning to make some lifestyle changes in the   year ahead (such as “eat less and move more!”), […]

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Keeping Your Dog Safe this Christmas

Tis The Season!
It’s that time of year again, Merry Christmas! Keeping our dogs safe during the holidays may not be in the forefront of your mind. However, our dogs need us to look out for them even more so during […]

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Colorado’s Best Dog Trainer

Dog Training Denver Colorado

click the logo above to be directed to Better Manners Dog Training
If you’re in the Denver Colorado area and you’re in need of a dog training, call Better […]

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Gerard Raneri: 520-440-8848 | Email
Please include your zip code when emailing us for exact rates.